A Tour of C++
by Bjarne Stroustrup
That is essentially the content of his short book, A Tour of C++:
I read this book after having programmed C++ with the common "C++ is C with classes" attitude for a while, and it really made me change the way I looked at this language.
It was the book that made me realize how beautiful the RAII idiom is, that the STL was clearly not hacked together by a bunch of crazy monkeys, that you rarely need raw pointers in your code and that -- in contrast to popular belief -- you seldom need to care about memory management.
When I finished that book, and though in the full knowledge that I was dealing with this ugly monster of the Frankenstein kind; just like at the end of "the beauty and the beast", I had somehow come to respect and appreciate that language.
Also, this talk would give you a very general overview of the new features of the language:
Another book that can be a refresh introduction would be:
For the other people looking, Stroustrup's A Tour of C++ [0] is the guide for getting quickly up to date with the "new C++", C++11 and onwards. It doesn't specifically cover C++14, but if you understand C++11, the few things coming in C++14 are for the most part minor enhancements to what is in C++11.
Scott Meyers should finish up the C++11/14 version of the Effective C++ series this year, and many are waiting for this. For now, his notes Overview of the New C++ (C++11/14) [1] are available for purchase.
If you like videos, there is a wealth of information from last years GoingNative conference [2]. More recently, at this years Build conferece, Herb Sutter gave a presentation on Modern C++: What You Need to Know [3].
Finally, come visit up over on reddit in /r/cpp [4]. Some heavyweights in the C++ world participate there, and the larger portion of participants are similarly knowledgeable in C++ as a whole.
[0] http://www.amazon.com/Tour-In-Depth-Series-Bjarne-Stroustrup...
[1] http://www.aristeia.com/Licensing/personalUse.html
[2] http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013?direction=a...
I definitely agree that C++ should be picked up later, though. Stroustrup's A Tour of C++ - https://www.amazon.com/Tour-C-Depth/dp/0321958314 - is a good introduction, I think.