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diob · 2024-09-16 · Original thread
ACE score of 8. I'm mildly satisfied, depends on the day.

Similar thing with ADHD, also with sleep apnea (severe, 79 AHI, untreated till final year of college, which made things much better :)). Probably autistic, if you ask anyone close to me, I keep meaning to get evaluated for it (see ADHD).

But yeah, I have done a lot of awesome stuff over the years, despite a lot of my trauma sources remaining into my post childhood years.

Some of those folks have died, others I've since cut off. I am thankful for some close friends who I think of as family.

I've always been an exercise person, which I think is partially to regulate my emotions / depression. It mostly works, but I still take Sertraline for anxiety, which has really changed my life. I wish I had started before I turned 30, but better late than never.

By the way, this book was at least mildly helpful: - Adult Children of Alcoholics.

Only one of my stepdads was alcoholic, but it applies outside of them. If you grew up in a bad home, it'll seem familiar.

I think in terms of the Hierarchy of Needs, I'm still struggling with the love and belonging area. I hope I can reach the upper levels one day.

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