Because the will of the allied sanction group is strongly dependent upon PR? The EU nations are a fractious group on the best of days. One of the reasons why the support for Ukraine and sanctions for Russia were so swift was the fact that Biden played the PR and intelligence game perfectly.
> What?
What part of my statement is not clear? Putin is worried about assassins. Taking out Putin and taking over Russia can be converted to cash very quickly by turning the pipeline back on even before sanctions get lifted. Blowing up the pipeline prevents any would be assassins from making use of it later. Putin will suffer neither PR backlash (he controls the Russian media) nor diplomatic backlash (he has already been isolated) for blowing up the pipeline.
And I note that you completely ignored the point that the US would do this with subs (and this was what they could do 30+ years ago). See: Blind Man's Bluff--
I think it's on par with Skunk Works. Absolutely amazing stories about submarine espionage, stealth fighters but underwater.
There i corrected it for you.
>One washed up on some rocks 5 year prior to your quote
Yes that's a fantastic story if you dig a bit deeper:
But sure "that Dude" had no clue ;)
Ahh sorry it's another book..i have to search it, it's a pretty long story and nearly unbelievable but the wikipedia article give a hint about it.
How that book hasn't been made into a mini-series is beyond me. The stories and characters are incredible.