I made the mistake of getting the Global edition, because of its considerably less cost, and because I couldn't afford the North American one - it was only after that I checked out the book site, where the authors mention that the global edition is chock full of errors [0].
I don't blame the authors, nor even the people who were responsible for 'the generation of a different set of practice and homework problems'. I can get printing the book in B&W, reducing paper quality, and publishing as a paperback to cut costs, but it's baffling why the publishers compromise on the actual quality of the content itself.
Amazon is full of similar 'PSAs' about not buying the global edition [1].
[0] http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/3e/errata.html
[1] https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspect...
Just make sure you don't buy the `international edition` of the book, it's unreadable due to the amount of errors in the exercises.
Compilers Second Edition [0]
Engineering a Compiler, Second Edition [1]
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (3rd Edition) [2]
[0]https://www.amazon.com/Compilers-Principles-Techniques-Alfre... [1]https://www.amazon.com/Engineering-Compiler-Second-Keith-Coo... [2]https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspect...
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective: https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspect...
It's one of the best books ever written on this subject.
One of my courses at UQ (Australia) followed some of it and I'm glad that I took it. There's no better way to asses the skills involved in debugging/analyzing machine dumps than the binary bomb assignment.
I've also quite enjoyed https://openlibrary.org/books/OL2197699M/Peter_Norton%27s_as... but you may want to repair the damage caused to the book by the Adobe DRM - it appears only one person can read the book at a time.
--- Matt Pietrek's "Just Enough Assembly Language to Get By" - http://bytepointer.com/resources/pietrek_asm_pt1.htm
--- Hongjiu Lu "ELF: From The Programmer's Perspective" - http://beefchunk.com/documentation/sys-programming/binary_fo...
--- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (3rd Edition) by Bryant & O'Hallaron - https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Systems-Programmers-Perspect...
--- Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming by Daniel Kusswurm - https://www.amazon.com/Modern-X86-Assembly-Language-Programm...
--- Low-Level Programming by Igor Zhirkov - https://www.amazon.com/Low-Level-Programming-Assembly-Execut...