Another thing that helped is the book Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome[0]. It has a good set of stretches to do categorized by what's bothering you.
Even more impactful IMO, it teaches a technique they call the "stretch point": very gently & slowly stretching until you feel the first hint of a stretch, then pausing and waiting for the feeling to release, over and over. Versus what I was naturally doing before, which was to stretch until I really felt it, and hold for a while. The theory is that the slow/gentle stretch+release pattern is more effective for the smaller muscles and less likely to damage them.
I just remove the numpad keys, and then tape my ergo trackball down to it. Works like a charm and allows me to keep my wrists in neutral position at all times.
I've definitely struggled off and on with RSI over the years and this book has been really helpful in keeping me limber:
The other thing that's helped me is going to the gym and doing light wrist curls (and reverse wrist curls) at least once a week.
Changed my life -- no more typing pain.