Curious; Symantec's report said the RC5 encryption was performed in CFB mode, but this is not the case. Instead, we have a weird combination of CBC and CFB, with CFB being used solely for the last block (instead of padding or ciphertext-stealing). This has the look of seriously legacy code.
This seems to be a very old mode: I have trouble finding references to it with less than 20 years. This mode is in [1, pg. 151] and [2, pg. 77], as far as I can find, both of which were published in 1982. [2] also introduced ciphertext stealing, albeit a bugged version [3, §6].
This seems to be a very old mode: I have trouble finding references to it with less than 20 years. This mode is in [1, pg. 151] and [2, pg. 77], as far as I can find, both of which were published in 1982. [2] also introduced ciphertext stealing, albeit a bugged version [3, §6].
[2] [sorry, no PDF link]