Three exercises along the lines of the parent that I found particularly valuable:
1. Compare VanillaJS TodoMVC to your framework of choice
What does the framework buy you? Is the framework-powered code easier to read? Easier to understand for a newcomer to the code base?
2. Read every line of Effective Javascript (it's short and eminently practical) and write out every code example.
There are about a dozen small errors in the code in the book, see if you can find them.
3. Read substack's alternative Javascript build flow:
Think about the possibilities and limitations. (I personally love his approach at the beginning of projects when I could care less about fiddling with gulp and want to get into exploring the guts of a problem)
Outside of books, is another good resource to recommend.
Your invocation of Effective Java made me look for Effective Javascript, and it does exist. Amazon users give it five stars:
Can anyone comment on how well this books fulfills the expectations implicit in a book calling itself "Effective X?" Or just how effective the book is with respect to accepted javascript practice?
Just got it and I feel like it clarified so many things about Javascript that I didn't have down cold as a self-taught pragmatist.
There are gaps/things that have changed since the book came out, but this is a really great resource for understanding the core JS language.