I initially was following along with Handmade Hero a series that I have been going back to frequently over the past few years.
Finally here's the video that got me interested in game engines. I saw this years ago but saw it again recently while researching. It's a 2.5d game engine that makes great use of lighting while combining 2d sprites and 3d models.
While I agree this is a wonderful resources, it is much less about game development than it is about design patterns. Basically, it's a gamedev flavored book about design patterns. A much better books about game development would be Game Coding Complete [0].
I initially was following along with Handmade Hero a series that I have been going back to frequently over the past few years. https://handmadehero.org
The series is great but I wanted something more guided so I am eyeing purchasing Game Coding Complete. It teaches the internals of a game engine and uses DirectX for rendering. https://www.amazon.com/Game-Coding-Complete-Fourth-McShaffry...
Because deliveries are on lock down in my country the book will have to wait.
So right now I have gone through SDL tutorials (there was a recent update to the LazyFoo SDL tutorial) and am currently finishing OpenGL. http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/index.php https://learnopengl.com/
Finally, I've been checking out repositories of open source game engines and poking around their codes. interesting ones are below:
Godot - Probably a lot of people already know about this one https://github.com/godotengine/godot
Pyxel - A fantasy game engine similar to Pico8 written in Python, uses SDL https://github.com/kitao/pyxel
Wicked Engine - Haven't poked around much with this yet but the screenshots looks gorgeous https://github.com/turanszkij/WickedEngine/blob/master/READM...
Finally here's the video that got me interested in game engines. I saw this years ago but saw it again recently while researching. It's a 2.5d game engine that makes great use of lighting while combining 2d sprites and 3d models. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q6ISVaM5Ww
Here's a second video that shows off a winter weather which boggled my mind when I first saw it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vtYvNEmmHXE#
Sorry for the dump, was excited to share these.