LFSR algorithms are super interesting. Fabien Sanglard documents how it was used in Wolfenstein 3D's 'Fizzle effect' [1]. This is also covered in his book on the development of that game [2].
A detailed write up that goes into a bit of mathematics with code examples is 'Demystifying the LFSR' [3].
The 'Computerphile' Youtube channel did a whole episode on LFSR last year which is very accessible, highly recommended [4].
A detailed write up that goes into a bit of mathematics with code examples is 'Demystifying the LFSR' [3].
The 'Computerphile' Youtube channel did a whole episode on LFSR last year which is very accessible, highly recommended [4].
[1] https://fabiensanglard.net/fizzlefade/index.php
[2] https://www.amazon.com/Game-Engine-Black-Book-Wolfenstein/dp...
[3] https://www.moria.us/articles/demystifying-the-lfsr/
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks1pw1X22y4