Found in 1 comment on Hacker News
n8cpdx · 2022-06-28 · Original thread
That’s the trendy opinion for now. This seems to be cyclical.

Around the same time as the link you cited:

This article delves into specific categories within “saturated fat”

Two years later:

A few years after that:

Citing the NYT isn’t really helpful since you can find basically every diet fad/trend in their pages.

Personal experience tells me that sugar and refined carbs make it harder to maintain a healthy weight, and that’s enough for me. But that’s not a “facts matter” frame. An anti-fat/pro-carb person could list out a whole book worth of facts leading in exactly the wrong direction:

Facts do matter, but in the case of nutrition, facts are a dime a dozen and we clearly have not as a society arrived at a final answer.

P.S. the sugar lobby explanation is uncompelling because all other industries also have lobbyists; I would think the beef and pork lobbyists would not be doing their job if they let you think that saturated fat is unhealthy.

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