I figure out that introduction to psychology is pretty boring to me because it is too broad and not relevant with everyday life ,so I highly recommend to learn two significant branches of psychology:
Positive Psychology :https://positivepsychology.com/harvard-positive-psychology-c... Great course taught by great teacher.
Cognitive bias:https://www.amazon.com/How-Know-What-Isnt-Fallibility/dp/002...
Modern psychology is very interesting and powerful,enjoy it!
If you are curious about how you might incorporate what people say into your reasoning about reality and outcomes, this is a good book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Know-What-Isnt-Fallibility/dp/002...
2) I guess the ones that are based on subjective interpretation instead of objective fact (whatever that is today). There is a book called "How we know what isn't so" (https://www.amazon.com/How-Know-What-Isnt-Fallibility-dp-002...), and it talks a fair amount about humans can clash by developing different interpretations of reality that they think are really real. I guess this isn't "touchy-feely"; I guess it is just that the reason I got into engineering is that machines are a lot more predictable and understandable than humans (to me). I did not mean to denigrate anyone's choice of book; I just didn't have a better term at hand (I still don't!)