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InTheArena · 2024-06-08 · Original thread
Can I humbly suggest picking up Wade Davis's book? I think he does a fantastic job breaking apart the attitude and trauma that drove Mallory and Irvine to the mountain. Toxic masculinity was not in it. Some level of trench trauma was.

We don't call the mountain Chomolungma today, because, quite simply it was never widely called that historically. If anything Sagarmāthā was maybe slightly more popular, but even then written references to that name were rare.

Some other books if you wish to learn about Everest:

Good reading!

seccess · 2018-06-05 · Original thread
This reminds me of a great book I read, "Into Thin Air"[0]. If you're interested in getting a first-hand account of climbing Everest, and what effect novice climbers have had on it, definitely give it a read.


bootload · 2015-09-21 · Original thread
I was looking for the original Jon Krakauer article, "Into Thin Air" [0] instead I found this article of which I had no prior knowledge. Compare the submitted article to Krakauers' latest article "Death & Anger on Everest" [1] and you'll get an idea of how much easier Everest is too summit.



rdc12 · 2014-12-09 · Original thread
A progression of books on high altitude climbing. Have read Into thin air, the climb, dark summit in the past month or two, currently reading no way down and have Annapurna: The first conquest of a 8000m peak and The will to climb out from the library.

Reason, finally have the motivation to loose weight and get fit, and am planing to do some climbing locally.

pavelrub · 2014-01-29 · Original thread
I think you are making several incorrect and unfair generalizations.

Calling those climbers "rich idiots" is unnecessary, and hugely inaccurate. Nearly all guided Everest expeditions require previous high-peak mountaineering experience to join the expedition, in places such as Aconcagua and Denali [1][2][3]. Technical familiarity with crampons, ice-axe, etc' is a must, and a high level of fitness is required.

People who join those expeditions are not "rich idiots" who think they are going on a cruise. They are amateur climbers with money, who are interested in broadening their climbing experience and achieving their personal goals.

Guiding companies provide a relatively safe opportunity for those climbers to achieve this, as this is something they cannot do by themselves.

I also wouldn't be so quick to pass moral judgments on things that happen 8000+ meters above sea level, in conditions of extreme fatigue, after several weeks of hiking/climbing. What you think you would do while sitting on a chair in front of your computer is not necessarily what you would've done were you actually there.

I recommend reading something like Into thin Air [4] to get a better perspective on what happens on those climbs.

[1] [2] [3] [4]

bradly · 2010-12-06 · Original thread
Into Thin Air.

Amazing story, super inspirational, and lots of great history. My wife and I both loved this book and could not set it down.

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