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skmurphy · 2025-01-29 · Original thread
A thoughtful exploration of impact of analytic and simulation models on the formulation of regulation and public policy.

Review at

Related explorations:

David Gelernter's "Mirror Worlds" (1993)

Guidelines for policy modellers – 30 years on: New tricks or old dogs? (1971)

Group model building: problem structuring, policy simulation and decision support

chubot · 2020-01-19 · Original thread
I remember getting Semiology of Graphics from the Palo Alto library around 2006. At the time it was sort of legendary and out of print, but it looks like it's since been reprinted. I think you can get most of the ideas from newer books, but it's well done and clearly ahead of its time.

Interestingly another relatively unknown book I like (and bought/read 20 years ago) is also about harmony:

I would say there's two kinds of harmony: harmony in equal temperament, and "alternative" harmonies based on physics, and this is about the latter. I can't tell from the link what the other harmony book is about. What's good about it?

As far as computer books, I've read a lot of recommendations here over the years like "thinking forth", "Computer Lib" by Ted Nelson, etc. They are well known to some audiences but not others.


I also enjoy reading what people though the computing future would be like. I have "Superdistribution" by Brad Cox:

And "Mirror Worlds" by Gelertner:

I'm pretty sure Gelertner claims that the Facebook feed is identical to his "life streams". I guess taken literally it's hard not to see the current Internet as a "mirror world" that's becoming the real world.

protomyth · 2019-05-13 · Original thread
> Imagine sending out a command to the bus and not knowing when it'll get processed

That's one of the things about tuple spaces[0,1,2] that was described in the book Mirror Worlds[3]. The author gives a lengthy description of a tuple's life. In practice, it really depended on what pattern you used to process the tuples.





eragnew · 2014-08-07 · Original thread
I love seeing stuff like this. But what really excites me is when these types of 3D models start to represent real cities. Like the ViziCities project[0]. Maybe the idea of Mirror Worlds [1] will eventually become reality.



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