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joeyspn · 2016-04-24 · Original thread
You should read the last book of Maria Blasco [0], arguably the best (or at least in the top 3 researchers in the telomeres/telomerase field), and main author of the science that has inspired BioViva's work. The book is titled: "Morir joven, a los 140" (english: "Dying young, at 140") [1]

I'm going to take the time to paste here a brief excerpt translated into english:

"Is aging mandatory? Until recently, serious science did not deal with that question. After all, having ailments is normal over the years. However, what is normal today, may not be tomorrow. Mankind has grown accumulating victories against natural and normal phenomena, like high infant mortality. Fact is that more and more scientists say that not only aging can be combated, but we also must: prolonging youth could be the way to prevent cancer, Alzheimer's, and age diseases as a whole."

> Aging isn't something you can simply disrupt with a silicon valley mindset.

Usually I listen to people like Maria, who's been at it for 30+ years (not to random people in the internets with marketing and sales background). It's inspiring reading works of scientists and people so open minded, which is IMHO the essence of Silicon Valley.

> I've met organic chemists who have spent upwards of 30 years developing drugs and haven't put a single drug on the market.

Maybe because it costs a minimum of 1 billion and 10+ years of approval (plus the consent of the gatekeepers)?



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