F-Script is a nice language in the Smalltalk tradition built on the Objective-C runtime. If I was going to pursue something like this, I would probably work at making a clang-like front end for it.
1) Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach http://www.amazon.com/Object-Oriented-Programming-An-Evoluti...
Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach - this one covers an early version of Obj-C http://www.amazon.com/Object-Oriented-Programming-An-Evoluti...
Superdistribution: Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier - economics of software components - http://www.amazon.com/Superdistribution-Objects-Property-Ele...
Huh? Completely automatic serialization (called activation/passivation) was in the original Stepstone Objective-C, described in Brad Cox's book[1]. No generics required at all, just a modicum of introspection.
[1] http://www.amazon.com/Object-Oriented-Programming-An-Evoluti...