The referenced monograph is far less positive about BS, seeing it as an attack on the concept of truth as such.
"It can't be helped, but there's a lot of it about."--Pink Floyd
Key takeaway: the BSer isn't just sloppy or inaccurate with the hogwash. Rather, BS attacks the very concept of truth as such.
Looking at you, Postmodernists.
It seems like terms like this and hate speech often boil down to “people that are effective at calling out my bullshit”.
It is unethical to with no evidence call republicans or classical liberals Nazis, and then use that as a justification to abuse your power to shut them up. Why not make an argument instead?
On this topic I really recommend Frankfurts [1] terse one hour read arguing that there are three types of statements; attempt at truth, attempt at lies, and attempt to just bullshit people with no regard to relate it to truth. This kind of attempt fall in the third category.
I can imagine why someone might dislike 'clownshow'. Frankly, I find it accurate, or I wouldn't have written it, and I didn't use such terms in the past to describe pols I disagree with - it is specific to what I see as a historically bad outfit.
"Clean up the mess" is "uncivil"? Sorry, that's silly, and another demonstration that politically correct language policing isn't just for lefty college-kids.
EDIT: no Amazon referral
It's a personal amusement of mine that the singnal-to-noise ratio on the internet is so terrible. Sorry, Tim Berners-Lee. The abysmal state of facts on the internet also seems a failure of capitalism of sorts: a low-distortion news channel doesn't seem an impossible business model, but here we are.