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PaulHoule · 2024-09-06 · Original thread
A while back I concluded that you could code up most of the examples from

in Python without doing anything too out of the ordinary. I just finished

and came to almost the same conclusion in that most of the macro use in that book is in the syntactic sugar or performance optimization category. If I didn't have a lot of projects in the queue and people demanding my time I'd try coding up the ATN and Prolog examples in Python (sorta kinda did the "CLOS" example in that I built a strange kind of meta-object facility that made "objects" backed by RDF triples)

In Java I did enough hacking on this project

to conclude I could create something that people who think "Java Sux" and "Common Lisp Sux" would really hate. If I went forward on that it would be to try "code golf not counting POM file size" by dividing ferocity into layers (like that ferocity0 which is enough to write a code generator that can stub the whole stdlib) so I could use metaprogramming to fight back against the bulkification you get from writing Java as typed S-expressions. (I'm pretty sure type erasure can be dealt with if you aren't interested in JDK 10+ features like var and switch expressions, on the other hand a system like that doesn't have to be able to code generate syntactic sugar sorts of structures because ferocity is all about being able to write syntatic sugar)

PaulHoule · 2024-07-25 · Original thread
I'm going to argue that Lisp already won.

That is, other programming languages have adopted many of the features of Lisp that made Lisp special such as garbage collection (Rustifarians are learning the hard way that garbage collection is the most important feature for building programs out of reusable modules), facile data structures (like the scalar, list, dict trinity), higher order functions, dynamic typing, REPL, etc.

People struggled to specify programming languages up until 1990 or so, some standards were successful such as FORTRAN but COBOL was a hot mess that people filed lawsuits over it, PL/I a failure, etc. C was a clear example of "worse is better" with some kind of topological defect in the design such that there's a circularity in the K&R book that makes it confusing if you read it all the way through. Ada was a heroic attempt to write a great language spec but people didn't want it.

I see the Common Lisp spec as the first modern language spec written by adults which inspired the Java spec and the Python spec and pretty much all languages developed afterwards. Pedants will consistently deny that the spec is influenced by the implementation but that's absolutely silly: modern specifications are successful because somebody thinks through questions like "How do we make a Lisp that's going to perform well on the upcoming generation of 32 bit processors?"

In 1980 you had a choice of Lisp, BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, FORTH, etc. C wound up taking PL/I's place. The gap between (say) Python and Lisp is much smaller than the gap between C and Lisp. I wouldn't feel that I could do the macro-heavy stuff in

in Python but I could write most of the examples in

pretty easily.

raganwald · 2010-12-03 · Original thread
Design patterns are essentially code that you have to repeat because the language is incapable of generically representing the process that the pattern codifies.

In the specific case of the twenty canonical design patterns from the GoF book, some are rendered trivial by better languages, but the principle of a design pattern remains valid. I'm confident that Lisp has design patterns, I own a book full of them:

A design pattern in the abstract is a systemized form of folklore. Problem Statement, Forces Acting on the Solution, Template for Implementing the Solution. Until we have a language where every problem to be solved can be done so with a single atomic element of the language, there will be design patterns that programmers use to share their experience.

Now that we have established that we can choose several different colours for the bike shed, I will say that if you gave me that answer in an interview, I wouldn't hold it against you in any way. It demonstrates intelligence and experience. I imagine that if we were talking face to face we could have an interesting conversation about languages and abstractions and templates and problems and communicating folklore.

So my meta-observation is that the important thing about a question is whether it helps provoke an interesting and useful conversation, not whether the person parrots out some answer you are seeking.


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