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percept · 2009-10-29 · Original thread
Jeffrey Gitomer has a lot of good ideas (and a free weekly newsletter):

You might find this helpful too:

Tangurena · 2009-03-05 · Original thread
There are a couple of issues here.

1) to get better at selling, one of the first things to do is more practice [1] at selling.

2) there are some skills to learn, and these skills are "soft" ones - which typically receive disdain in techie culture [2].

Last year, I ran for public office. I discovered to my surprise that I interviewed [3] poorly. This explains why I've had difficulty getting hired in the past. I plan to join Toastmasters later this year (when my schedule opens up) to help correct this.

Some books:

Outfoxing the small business owner. Cynical, salesman oriented book. Decent insight into the psychology of many small business owners.

E-Myth revisited. We all have cultural baggage about what a business is, and isn't. And for many businesses, that baggage gets in the way of actually getting work done, or getting ahead as a business.


1 - If you've got a good feedback loop for yourself, then any practice, good or bad, will help (aka: practice makes perfect). If your feedback loop tends to the same sort of self deception that most people have, then I recommend finding a coach (aka: repetition will cement bad practices, only perfect practice makes perfect).

2 - translation: "dude, you're turning into a SUIT!" (with audible disdaining tone used for last word).

3 - While interviewing for a job, and interviewing in the media share the same name, they're different enough that books aimed at helping one tangentially help the other. But at least I now have a brilliant retort to "what is your greatest weakness?" A: I found that I interview poorly.

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