Found in 14 comments on Hacker News
PaulHoule · 2025-01-07 · Original thread
Lately I read Graham's On Lisp and first felt it was one the greatest programming books I'd ever read and felt it was so close to perfect that the little things like he made me look "nconc" up in the CL manual (so far he'd introduced everything he talked about) made me want to go through and do just a little editing. And his explanation of how continuations work isn't very clear to me which is a problem because I can't find a better one online (the only way I think I'll understand continuations is if I write the explanation I want to read)

Then I start thinking things like: "if he was using Clojure he wouldn't be having the problems with nconc that he talks about" and "I can work most of the examples in Python because the magic is mostly in functions, not in the macros" and "I'm disappointed that he doesn't do anything that really transform the tree"

(It's still a great book that's worth reading but anything about Lisp has to be seen in the context the world has moved on... Almost every example in can be easily coded up in Python because it was the garbage collection, hashtables on your fingertips, first class functions that changed the world, not the parens)

Lately I've been thinking about the gradient from the various tricks such as internal DSLs and simple forms of metaprogramming which are weak beer compared to what you can do if you know how compilers work.

PaulHoule · 2024-09-06 · Original thread
A while back I concluded that you could code up most of the examples from

in Python without doing anything too out of the ordinary. I just finished

and came to almost the same conclusion in that most of the macro use in that book is in the syntactic sugar or performance optimization category. If I didn't have a lot of projects in the queue and people demanding my time I'd try coding up the ATN and Prolog examples in Python (sorta kinda did the "CLOS" example in that I built a strange kind of meta-object facility that made "objects" backed by RDF triples)

In Java I did enough hacking on this project

to conclude I could create something that people who think "Java Sux" and "Common Lisp Sux" would really hate. If I went forward on that it would be to try "code golf not counting POM file size" by dividing ferocity into layers (like that ferocity0 which is enough to write a code generator that can stub the whole stdlib) so I could use metaprogramming to fight back against the bulkification you get from writing Java as typed S-expressions. (I'm pretty sure type erasure can be dealt with if you aren't interested in JDK 10+ features like var and switch expressions, on the other hand a system like that doesn't have to be able to code generate syntactic sugar sorts of structures because ferocity is all about being able to write syntatic sugar)

PaulHoule · 2024-07-25 · Original thread
I'm going to argue that Lisp already won.

That is, other programming languages have adopted many of the features of Lisp that made Lisp special such as garbage collection (Rustifarians are learning the hard way that garbage collection is the most important feature for building programs out of reusable modules), facile data structures (like the scalar, list, dict trinity), higher order functions, dynamic typing, REPL, etc.

People struggled to specify programming languages up until 1990 or so, some standards were successful such as FORTRAN but COBOL was a hot mess that people filed lawsuits over it, PL/I a failure, etc. C was a clear example of "worse is better" with some kind of topological defect in the design such that there's a circularity in the K&R book that makes it confusing if you read it all the way through. Ada was a heroic attempt to write a great language spec but people didn't want it.

I see the Common Lisp spec as the first modern language spec written by adults which inspired the Java spec and the Python spec and pretty much all languages developed afterwards. Pedants will consistently deny that the spec is influenced by the implementation but that's absolutely silly: modern specifications are successful because somebody thinks through questions like "How do we make a Lisp that's going to perform well on the upcoming generation of 32 bit processors?"

In 1980 you had a choice of Lisp, BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, FORTH, etc. C wound up taking PL/I's place. The gap between (say) Python and Lisp is much smaller than the gap between C and Lisp. I wouldn't feel that I could do the macro-heavy stuff in

in Python but I could write most of the examples in

pretty easily.

wkyleg · 2024-07-18 · Original thread
I like Peter Norvig's book "Paradigms of AI Programming," where you learn old fashioned symbolic AI with LISP and Prolog. Is it outdated? Absolutely, but it is a classic read.

Maybe a use case for new AI models could be creating more old fashioned expert systems written in LISP or Prolog that are easier for humans to audit. Everything tends to come back full circle.

PaulHoule · 2022-10-12 · Original thread
That's not a bad approach, necessarily.

There is a fairly simple program in

that solves word problems using the methods of the old AI. The point is that is is efficient and effective to use real math operators and not expect to fit numbers through the mysterious bottleneck of neural encoding.

Tistel · 2018-10-10 · Original thread
Peter Norvig (of google fame) describes how to write a prolog like language in Common Lisp:
boysabr3 · 2018-01-05 · Original thread
Haven't read it personally but heard great things about: Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp - Peter Norvig

deepaksurti · 2016-11-23 · Original thread

While it deals with classical AI techniques, it is worth working through this book. Especially the AI example chapters where Norvig teaches how to go from specification to implementation and iterate over the design to fix problems etc. Backed by Common Lisp which allows this quick iteration by getting out of your way, this book is one way to fall in love with programing.

Warning: Once you are done with this book, be prepared to handle the less powerful systems and I am not implying here CL is the most powerful programming environment.

chollida1 · 2015-03-23 · Original thread
Would highly recommend this book, with the caveat of only if you are a common lisp user with a fair bit of experience using common lisp.

This book goes into some of the more advanced uses of macros and I don't believe most carries over to other "lisps".

I really loved the section on reader macros!! That's a topic that doesn't get enough attention from people coming to common lisp.

I don't believe clojure, for example, supports user defined reader macros, atleast I can't remember it having them the last time I used it(circa 2011).

EDIT, it looks like clojure does have reader macros now. Clojure just keeps getting better:)

In addition to Let over Lambda, my common lisp reading list includes:


I'd love to hear if anyone else has book recommendations in a similar vein. I'm in the middle of a month off to read books and research papers so this is pretty timely for me:)

stiff · 2014-01-03 · Original thread
It is actively harmful to teach students that software architecture is something that somehow arises from diagrams or that those kinds of silly pictures capture anything important about it. Powerful architectures come out of powerful ideas that in turn come from accumulated hard work of many people in different disciplines. One can learn much more from walking through the actual source code of some classic projects and from trying to understand the ideas that make them tick: - UNIX philosophy of small tools, DSLs, CS theory: state machines / regular expressions, Thompson algorithm ... - Both a program and a VM for a programming language, hooks, before/after/around advices, modes, asynchronous processing with callbacks, ... Worth to think of challenges of designing interactive programs for extensibility. - Metaprogramming DSLs for creating powerful libraries, again a lesson in hooks (before_save etc.), advices (around_filter etc.), ... - The distributed paradigm, lots of CS theory again: hashing for ensuring consistency, DAGs everywhere, ... By the way, the sentence "yet the underlying git magic sometimes resulted in frustration with the students" is hilarious in the context of a "software architecture" course.

One of computer algebra systems - the idea of a

One of computer graphics engines - Linear algebra


There are loads of things one can learn from those projects by studying the source in some depth, but I can't think of any valuable things one could learn by just drawing pictures of the modules and connecting them with arrows. There are also several great books that explore real software design issues and not that kind of pretentious BS, they all come from acknowledged all-time master software "architects", yet all of them almost never find diagrams or "viewpoints" useful for saying the things they want to say, and they all walk you through real issues in real programs:

To me, the kind of approach pictured in the post, seems like copying methods from electrical or civil engineering to appear more "serious", without giving due consideration to whether they really are helpful for anything for real-world software engineering or not. The "software engineering" class which taught those kind of diagram-drawing was about the only university class I did not ever get any use from, in fact I had enough industry experience by the point I took it that it just looked silly.

lostmypw · 2011-07-24 · Original thread

    Talking about stuff like this is bound to sound esoteric, I think. So
    I want to put this disclaimer upfront that I detest esotericism.

    I can only assume that your problems are similar to mine, so I can
    only suggest what works for me. And that might not completely work out
    for you in the end, but it's worth a try for sure.

    Concentration: The problem of not being able to keep distracting
    thoughts away can be lessened with meditation. I came across this
    suggestion in the book Pragmatic Thinking and Learning [1] and have
    found an excellent CD to listen to called Guided Mindfulness
    Meditation [2] by Jon Kabat-Zinn.

    I tend to try to avoid meditation because for a while I seem to do
    fine and so long as I do fine it just feels like a waste of time for
    me. Time that I could invest reading a book. But eventually I always
    end up having an extreme amount of distracting thoughts to the point
    that I cannot learn anymore. I've now had this problem crop up often
    enough with meditation always helping that I'm now a lot more willing
    to spend the time and meditate. I want to emphasize that for *me* it
    was necessary to get to the dead end and suffer from it to become
    willing to change something. Maybe you can relate.

    Structure: Well well, the way you write it sounds a little bit rigid
    to me. I tightened up imagining all that structure you strive for and
    I'm thinking you should relax a little bit. Or at least I should (and
    do). So maybe we are different in this regard.

    I do think you should lay back a bit and think about what really
    interests you deep down in your heart. I assume you've been working
    too much on hopelessly boring stuff, because with that I can relate
    again. I've been working a little bit on a little server in erlang but
    somehow at some point I couldn't bring myself to working further on
    it. Well I could, but all the time I felt something was wrong.

    As I'm happy to learn interesting programming languages and have heard
    all the hype about lisp for so long (I'm looking at you, pg) I finally
    gave in and started reading Practical Common Lisp [3] and now
    Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming [4] and what can I
    say. I see now that what disappoints me in erlang but also in other
    languages is having forced upon me one paradigm and/or a rigid set of
    rules. In the case of erlang that might be perfectly fine as the
    language can make certain guarantees that way. I've realized though
    that I would much rather enjoy the lisp-ish freedom while molding a
    solution. So this is my story of disappointment and fresh wind.

    One quick addition in the end: In an xkcd comic [5] there is a
    description of a solution (see the alt-text of the image) that delays
    access to certain websites (like reddit, hn for me) but does not block
    them completely. It just delays the access (-- more discussion on the
    xkcd blog [6]). This serves the purpose of destroying the notion of
    instant reward these stupid little bits of new information might give
    you, however irrelevant they may be. I've found this to be helpful for
    me because sometimes in the past I've procrastinated the hell out of
    the day. I got fed up with repeatedly spending hours with unproductive
    stuff and feeling sorry for the time in the end. See the pattern? I
    needed to run into this problem several times before I decided that I
    have to change something. I don't want to make some point here. I just
    find this pattern interesting.

    What I have done is I have taken an existing little chrome extension
    called delaybot which by default only delays for rand(1.5) seconds and
    changed the delay to 30 secs. This has worked wonders in the
    beginning. I say in the beginning because I've now disabled the
    extension as it is getting in my way now. No, this is not the
    procrastinator disabling a helpful little tool. :-) I've found that
    since I've picked up meditation again I didn't run into this problem
    anymore anyways. I also tend to just bookmark away a lot of actually
    interesting discussions to read them later, which of course I never
    do. I do this bookmarking and closing of tabs because I tend to
    accumulate too many tabs easily otherwise.

    Not all is great though, the article made me realise that I'm a little
    bit too hard with myself when I'm excerting will-power. I try to go
    through the mentioned lisp books fast (as there are more to come
    still) and at some point I notice that I can't bring myself to read a
    lot more at that point. To me this looks similar to the cookie
    experiment where a group of people is less productive after excerting
    will power in a previous task.

    So, to conclude: Even if not all is roses I can say with certainty
    that meditation is the single most helpful tool to increase my
    productivity. It changes me from being helpless to being more in
    control of what I'd like to do with my time.

    Regarding your lack of passion: Man, search your feelings. If you find
    something that really interests you, you probably wouldn't think much
    about what other people could do better than you. That AI book [4] I'm
    reading? It features ancient techniques at the point where I am right
    now but it's still a great read and I'm learning a heck of a
    lot. That's what keeps me going. Also, lisp.

    Phew, that was long.
    I would love to hear feedback. :-)






EDIT: I've changed the formatting because it renders with long lines otherwise.

alrex021 · 2009-09-24 · Original thread
Funny, I just bought the old classic that I never got a chance to read:

"Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp" by Peter Norving

Guess Lisp is 'really' making a come back.

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