- make little red X's in the margin for important points,
- make cheat sheet or an outline out of those, connected ot Table of Contents
- "triangulate", read multiple books on one topic, say, C++ programming. Make sure they're good books, there's some horrible C++ books out there, and some horrible deceptive amazon reviews.
- make cheat sheet or an outline out of those, connected ot Table of Contents
- "triangulate", read multiple books on one topic, say, C++ programming. Make sure they're good books, there's some horrible C++ books out there, and some horrible deceptive amazon reviews.
Cal Newport has some good study hacks on http://calnewport.com/blog/.
HN has lots of study hacks threads: https://hn.algolia.com/?q=study+hacks#!/story/forever/0/stud...
Also this book has lots of interesting ideas for $6.54 + shipping: http://www.amazon.com/Passing-Exams-Dummies-Patrick-Sherratt...