A really great book that helps you get appreciate the concepts in Lisp, without really talking about Lisp directly too much, is "Patterns of Software" by Peter Gabriel. http://amzn.to/TxDKGG
I found it to be a very enlightening read. Definitely a book you have to sink into with plenty of time and quiet.
It's a great book, and I've unfortunately only had the time to read a few of the essays.
It's available online as a PDF from http://www.dreamsongs.org/Files/PatternsOfSoftware.pdf.
Look at the contributions of the design patterns community for inspiration, people who have long strived to understand what Christopher Alexander's QWAN ("quality without a name") means to software. A good example is Patterns of Software [1], but also a lot of the C2 wiki has this spirit. Less off-the-wall than Why, but still trying to get at the soul of software.
1. http://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Software-Tales-Community/dp/0...
2. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki