That is what I gave my mom when she asked what she could try programming on. It features a simple whole window editor/repl where you can get straight into business.
What failed was the supporting literature. I thought Realm of Racket would have been ideal for self-study but it did assume more background than she had...
Unlike BASIC though, Racket no toy language. It's very powerful and expressive. Its a Scheme dialect btw.
I occasionally spend some time contributing to a Racket-JS compiler called Whalsong. Whatever games you write in Racket using big-bang can run on your browser. Checkout some examples here
Here is what got me off the ground. The first unit is learning ML and the second unit was Racket.
This is from a Coursera Course that is not being offered right now. It covers a lot of different languages but the Racket and ML parts are a great starting point.
I liked this book -
If that is too simple there always is
I prefer seeing people code and talk about it so the videos are great.
The Tandy/Radio Shack books for the Color Computer series (and it's astoundingly good LOGO implementation) were amazingly clear and concisely written with lots of examples, and because in those days even a disk drive wasn't a guarantee, all the examples were written to be hand-typed and experimented with.
There were even books in those days that aimed to teach kids machine language! [1]
That said, I think Djikstra and Felleisen may be slightly right about the long-term usefulness of old-fashioned BASIC and LOGO for learning, but there are a few books in modern languages that come close.
Hello World![2] was explicitly written to hearken back to those old manuals, by a father aiming to teach his 12-yo son programming with Python.
Land of Lisp[3] and Realm of Racket[4] also call to mind those old books as well, though they're targeting a bit older audience and have their quirks (LoL is a bit in-love with huge nested trees and a-lists in the examples, and Realm of Racket tends to gloss over a lot of the examples and expects you to just read the sample code rather than walking you through the process completely).
The Little Schemer[5] is also a fantastic little book that takes on the form almost of a set of brain-teasers, and teaches recursive thinking entirely by example and in methodical detail. The later chapters can be a bit stumpy, but if you go through the book step by step in regular sessions it builds on itself pretty well.
All of these are aiming at around the 12+ age range though, I don't think there's much out there anymore for anything younger.
Realm of Racket [0] seems like it might be more OP's speed.