Found in 3 comments on Hacker News
We use Basecamp, Zoom, Dropbox, Proton-mail, Miro (Mind-mapping) extensively.

Remote work requires a change in mindset...more than tools/tips.

My favorite books...

Remote: Office Not Required

Rework By Jason Fried & DHH

It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work

awestroke · 2015-04-09 · Original thread
Yes. You set yourself up as a contractor and handle country specific taxes etc yourself. The book "Remote: Office Not Required"[1] has a lot of additional information, it's a great read.


davidw · 2015-03-19 · Original thread
Maybe you should reach out to your boss, rather than us? I mean, we're mostly ok with it:-)

Perhaps you could find some good arguments for keeping your job here?

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