If you're ever in the Bay Area, his Wursthall restaraunt is well worth a visit. I don't live there but I make it a point to visit at least once a year when travelling.
When I try and cook new dishes, I do it by theme. The theme can be:
* Ingredients (eggs, poultry, grains, tomatoes)
* Courses (breakfast [eggs, pancakes from scratch], dinner, desserts [flan, custard]
* Execution (baking, sauté, oven)
* Cuisine (Mexican, Thai, French, Puertorican)
You will easily overlap the themes the more you cook, the themes are a starting point.
Two of my favorite books that the audience here might appreciate are The Food lab[0] and Cooking for Geeks[1].
* [0]: https://www.amazon.com/Food-Lab-Cooking-Through-Science-eboo...
* [1]: https://www.amazon.com/Cooking-Geeks-Science-Great-Hacks/dp/...