* The Go Programming Language
* Building Microservices
Plan to do next:
* Designing Data-Intensive Applications
* Designing Distributed Systems
* Unix and Linux System Administration 5th ed, but probably just gonna skip/read chapters of interest, i.e. I wanna get a better understanding of SystemD.
Read last month:
* Learning React
Good for a quick intro but I probably wouldn't read cover-to-cover again, some sections are old, but overall an OK book.
* React Design Patterns and Best Practices
Really liked this one, picked a tonne of new ideas and approaches that are hard to find otherwise for a newbie in JS scene. These two books, some time spent reading up on webpack and lots of github/practice code made me not scared of JS anymore and not feeling the fatigue. I mean, I was one of the people who dismissed everything frontend related, big node_modules, electron, complicated build systems etc. But now I sort of understand why and am on the different side of the fence.
* Flexbox in CSS
Wanted to understand what's the new flexbox layout is about since it's been a while when I've done some serious CSS work. Long story short I made it about half of this and dropped it - not any more useful than MDN docs and actually playing with someone's codepen gave me better understanding in 5 minutes than 3 hours spent with this book.
Also the official spec is a good read:
I recently read a programming book on Go [1] and this book reminded me of the pleasure of reading a programming book cover to cover. For a reader whose purpose is not to just get through the coursework (as in a graduate school), a well written programming book can be as pleasurable a read (if not more) than the most gripping novel. The author's style of writing has a lot to do with the readability of a programming book. I think.
Since I first came across Go I've been thinking that a Go-based Delphi clone would be really amazing. Maybe someone could breathe some new life into the Lazarus IDE by adding support for Go? Hmmm, actually there already is something: - probably worth keeping an eye on...