However, the notion was disturbing enough that a formal report was requested. I believe this was later, in 1945 or 1946, during the development of the hydrogen bomb, but I'm not sure. The report [2], co-authored by Teller, is dated 1946. It was declassified in 1973.
On the night of the Trinity test, apparently with the notion of calming people down, Fermi (to the annoyance of Maj. General Leslie Groves) humorously started taking bets on whether the test would ignite the atmosphere or merely destroy the state of Mexico (page 664).
We have just spend $760 billion on so-called stimulus. The money is gone, and nothing to show for it.
That's how bloated gov't works nowadays, in CA, federal, and all other states. And the letter is calling for more of this!
PS Great book on Manhattan project: