"Ricard+Revel - The Monk and the Philosopher" http://www.amazon.com/Monk-Philosopher-Father-Discuss-Meanin...
"Socrates(/Plato) - The Allegory of the Cave" http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/allegory.html
"Plato(/Socrates/others) - Symposium" http://www.amazon.com/Symposium-Plato/dp/0872200760
"Bertrand Russell - The Conquest of Happiness" http://www.amazon.com/Conquest-Happiness-Bertrand-Russell/dp...
Interestingly, if you an understand the synthesis of eastern metaphysical concepts such as "maya" (illusion), "karma" (causation) and their logical implications such as reincarnation, you arrive at a similar conclusion -- the world is essentially a game (meant to be enjoyed, a journey, a sport to be reveled in), which scales your instance based on your karma! There's respawning too :)
Choose your own adventure!
Just thought I'd drop a book recommendation here: "The Monk and the Philosopher" - Jean-François Revel and Matthieu Ricard [0]. A much younger, atheist, science-absolutionist (?-haha) me had his mind blown by this text. It made me seriously question my world view (which would be later be shattered by a friend with considerable philosophical talent). I do not currently identify as a Buddhist, and I'm not sure how it would be received now, but it certainly was useful in breaking a certain science-dogma in me.
edit: punctuation, book recommendation
[0] https://www.amazon.com/Monk-Philosopher-Father-Discuss-Meani...