Instead of just making some abstract appeal to 'individual authority', how about actually engaging with what they're saying?
"A handful of corporations determine the basic shape of the web that most of us use every day. Many of those companies make money by capturing users’ attention, and turning it into pageviews and clicks. They’ve staked their futures on methods to cultivate habits in users, in order to win as much of that attention as possible."
This seems like a salient point that is worthy of proper discussion and analysis. I've recent been reading a great book [1] about it, that is forcing me to reconsider a lot of positions I took for granted, as one of those building the web, complicit in a whole bunch of this madness. I highly recommend looking into this more, as, in my opinion, we're becoming victims of our medium in the most McLuhan-esque sense.
[1] The World Beyond Your Head -