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imp · 2010-07-04 · Original thread
Yes. The book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill does exactly this. It's an oldie but goodie.

It's how Bruce Lee set his goal:

I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental Super Star in the United States. In return I will give exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

Bruce Lee

January 1969

imp · 2010-03-30 · Original thread
An oldie but goodie is from Think and Grow Rich:

Develop one Definitive Chief Aim. It's a very specific medium to long-term goal (1 - 20 years or so) with a specific deadline. Repeat it to yourself every day. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Don't bother with intermediate goals that you aren't fully passionate about. Spend the time to determine what is truly important to you and focus on that. It worked for Bruce Lee:

My Chief Personal Aim In Life:

I, Bruce Lee, will be the highest paid Oriental superstar in the United States. In return I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting in 1970, I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession the sum of $10,000,000—then I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

Bruce Lee 1969

I just read the book last fall so I obviously haven't achieved my goal yet, but I have until December 31st, 2014 to get there.

Also, for another method, Randy Pausch in his Time Management lecture (a really good lecture) said that he always knew what needed to get done that day, that week, and that semester. So that might be a good way to set incremental goals.

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