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pwillia7 · 2022-10-05 · Original thread
Great list -- A few thoughts:

1. Writing and lingustics are fundamentally different and while serve similar goals, it's important to think about them separately[1]. Basically all human groups create spoken language but we only know of 1 (I think) time a phonetic writing system appeared. There is some limit how well writing can help you communicate with spoken word, but it's probably pretty far out.

1a. I always think of Cormac McCarthy books for this tip. Don't be like Dickens -- you're not doing a serial and getting paid per word. Know where the extra detail is warranted. [2]

1b. Expand your vocabulary but always remember your audience and speak at their level. Your goal is to effectively communicate ideas or persuade not self aggrandize.

2b. empathy and EQ I think are the biggest thing most people can improve easily that will improve communication. We don't think about how much the symbols in our heads vary. Tree conjures some TX pine for me but some other tree probably for you. This doesn't stop us from communicating about trees and probably poses little problems. If we talk about the word 'freedom' you can see the variations are much bigger and more important.

I also think you can improve communication by being open and yourself. The more masks you wear, the less effective you will be with each mask due to time in seat. The more you can consolidate all the yous, and bring the primary you into your interactions, you may find you are a better communicator than you thought[3]

[1]: [2]: [3]:

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