Found in 1 comment on Hacker News
rg111 · 2022-07-03 · Original thread
Please read two books, in this order. After reading these, you will know:

1. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratna [0]

2. The Mind Illuminated by Yates et al. [1]

And plese steer away from awful sources. People, the modern day "influencers" are piggybacking on Meditation to sell their own stuff. And it is related to a lot of stupid concepts that higher practitioners of Eastern Spirituality themselves reject. "Kundalini"... My ass.

Meditation, when reduced to the physical technique itself, is utterly worthless, I assure you. There are several 5-minute videos that teach you meditation are shit.


Since you want to know about personal experience, let's do that.

I also fell prey to the snake-oil salesmen at first, who taught meditation in five minutes.

I tried for months and years, and nothing came out of it.

When I was going through a list of books recommended in Hacker News, I learned about The Mind Illuminated by Yates.

I bought it and started studying, and practising.

And, I promise you it changed my life.

I meditate from 15 to 45 minutes a day. Everyday.

I will list here some aspects of it.

I sit there, I observe my thoughts, and gently bring my mind back to my breaths.

Primarily, it is like "intuition training" for attention holding.

Whenever I am doing work or studying for my research, whenever my mind deviates, this training kicks in, in an automated way. I can very quickly bring it back. And it does get better with time.

My fully-sanctitious Pomodoro cycle went up from 20 minutes to 90 minutes. I can hold my attention, unadulterated, for that long.

This was the first benefit.

Secondly, I am much better at processing my own emotions. Every kind. I am much saner and calmer for it. I can process and handle and deal with all my emotions.

Thirdly, I am a much better decision maker from meditating. Before, I often suffered with my options. I could not decide what to do- from small decision to big.

Now, it's like my emotions are wiretapped and I know better what I want. And I can act accordingly.

And I am able to enjoy pleasurable activities more. Swimming, walking through the forest, eating favorite dishes, sex- all are much more pleasurable for me.

I feel the "training" from meditation kicking in when I want to have deep experiences.

I am also a better learner now. This could be a placebo. I always was a good and fast learner, but, I have more experience with myself now, but I feel this happened from meditation.

Meditation is hard. I always was interested in Buddhism (the non-spiritual kind. Read: What the Buddha Taught by W. Rahula [2]). And Buddha was a total no-BS guy. He asked people to experiment and if they didn't find the results alignigning with what he said, he said that he should not be listened to [3]. So, if he asked to meditate, and talked about its benefits, there must be something in it- that's what I thought. That's why I prevailed.

Learning coding took time. Learning Math and Spanish took time. Meditation should take time to be learned properly. Buddha, an athiest, an unorthodox, an uber-debater, and rationalist talked about benefits of it, and that made me prevail.

I am so happy for it.

Please reply to my comment if you have further questions.

I am currently on the deep peace stage. Seven times out of ten, when I try to be in the deeply peaceful state, I can be.





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