Found in 1 comment on Hacker News
spookylukey · 2018-12-15 · Original thread
"real money from real people's savings accounts" is not how it works. See this book -

Banks do indeed make money "from nothing". If you get a loan of $1000 from a bank, they just add $1000 to your current account, and write down in another account that you owe them $1000. They don't have to "get" this money from somewhere.

This is all as it should be. Say I can make tables, and you want one, but don't have anything to give me in exchange. We can agree that you now owe me $100, say. You can write me an IOU and sign it. Suppose you are trustworthy enough that an IOU from you is considered acceptable as payment. I can now use your IOU as money - we have just "created" $100 money from nowhere (or, $100 debt, same thing).

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