There's a book by Dan Charnas called "Work Clean: The life-changing power of mise-en-place to organize your life, work, and mind" that does a great job of explaining the system of mise en place beyond just setup and precutting vegetables. My favorite takeaway that has actually helped my organization in practice has been to leave a project/code base in a clean state after working on it. Sounds obvious but writing checklists for tests, documentation, setup for the next person, etc. has been really helpful.
I tried to use GTD for quite a while. I abandoned it in favor of Timeboxing, using Work Clean for the precise implementation. I used org-mode to put it to use, it's flexible enough even though GTD was a big influence on its design.
There is a book called "Work Clean: The life-changing power of mise-en-place to organize your life, work, and mind" that discusses this philosophy further and how someone can integrate these principles into their work life. It was a pretty interesting read.
According to who?
> what are alternative methods to focused work and productivity?
Set aside time at the beginning of your day to make a list of the things you want to do, prioritize that list and then do them.
This book helped me quite a bit.